Iter Odorum gives you a personal perspective on mainstream and niche perfumery, without launching absolute value judgments, which are usually reserved only for professionals.

I will present to you the world of smells as shown to me over decades of searching, trial, success, and failure.

I like perfume if it makes me happy and calm. I’m not interested in price or brand, nor am I trying to get out of the crowd. I prefer Light Blue when it’s summer, although everyone wears it. But isn’t that how it has to be? If a perfume is good, then you meet it everywhere.

This universe of smells is not new to me, but I decided for a long, long time to keep it secret, as a place where I went alone to comfort myself. A place of multiple possibilities, where I could be innocent, ingenious, strong, or full of self – contradictory but so pleasant states, offered by perfumes by their power to generate fiction.

Perfume is a whole world, perhaps the only connection to childhood time when, without any effort, we imagine that we are what we wanted to be, unbound to time and space.

I started to be attracted to perfumes when I was very little – I don’t even remember how old I was at the time. The first olfactory moment is when I discovered in my paternal grandmother’s closet a small pink notebook, with powdered sheets, which smelled unreal: of flowers, good, and peace. For a long time, I didn’t understand how Grandma was using that notebook she couldn’t write on. It was, in fact, a papier poudre (blotting paper).

Even now, when I am writing, I can smell that scent of powder and violets.

I tried to discover it in the perfumes I met, so I could go back in time, in a time when I had no worries and when everything seemed to be in place.

I wish you, dear reader, to discover that fragrance that will give you a glimpse of childhood.

With peace and love,

Disclaimer: All perfumes presented are original, being bought either from physical stores or online from the official platform of the manufacturer or approved distributors.