Bantry House (Ireland) – or how would Shalimar smell like

If there are some of you curious to find out how is Ireland (in case you have never been there until now), I will tell you the story of one of the most amazing places situated in West Cork, very close to the second city of Ireland. I am talking about Bantry House, a place, that, for me, smells like Shalimar.

I was lucky to visit Bantry House on a beautiful afternoon when Irish weather was kind enough to let us drive, eat outside and enjoy the beautiful side of west Cork.

If you wonder what can be so interesting about Irish weather, well, you need to know that, unfortunately, Ireland, during the last two years, had the most horrific winters and summers: no sun, no warmth, no joy. There were, I think, two weeks of good weather, and when I am saying this, it means that there were some days with 22 C degrees.

So, Irish weather is like a moody woman, hard to please and very changeable.

But on that day, when we decided to head to West Cork on a trip that revealed itself to be one of the most magnificent, Irish sky and sun were marvellous, coating the coast in vivid light that highlighted the very green of Irish lawn.

Hidden away from the motorway, in a bay that nurtures the place’s tranquillity and seniority, Bantry House appears like a spot from a movie.

You will be amazed by how Bantry House can have a connection to Shalimar by Guerlain.

To enjoy it, you must love ancient times when life was slow, and people had time to contemplate, and, of course, to wear Shalimar by Guerlain.

Nicoleta Spiridon
Nicoleta Spiridon
Articles: 13